What are you doing this weekend? For me, it's going to be a lot of wedding planning, yoga and catching up on some reading. I try to read at least one book a month. It's only February and I'm already behind. Right now, I'm finish up Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon.
I realize the irony of following the previous blog post about productivity with one that talks about winding down for the weekend. Whether you had a productive week or not, it's still important to take time to reset and relax. With that in mind, I put together a short list of finds from the web to help you (and me) bring this week to a close. Enjoy!
Here's 50 brunch recipes to inspire your breakfast tomorrow. We have a ton of lemons at home so perhaps I'll try the lemon blueberry donut recipe.
What action or habit am I proud of? That's just one of the 15 weekly reflection questions for super productive people.
Check out the house tour of Sweet Beast Blog's Emily which incorporates lots of color and texture. I love how her home still looks light and cohesive even as she uses contrasting colors (a dark living room and a blush bathroom - so gorgeous). Something to inspire you if you're planning to do any home decorating or DIY projects this weekend.
Lastly, start your weekend right with this Saturday morning chill playlist.
Have a restful, energizing and relaxing weekend.